By using tactics and techniques from real-world adversaries, Asteros supplies visibility into your application, network, and/or systems’ security posture. We value realistic scenarios over the theoretical, focusing on threats that are relevant to your environment.
This approach means we learn about your organization, conducting active and passive intelligence gathering to determine likely threats, identify entry points, and get your team the information they need to successfully protect and harden your environment.
After identifying security issues relevant to your organization, we carefully construct attacks and proofs of concept to demonstrate the potential impact to your executives and product owners.
Results are customized to your organization to ensure the data is used effectively and efficiently. Rather than tedious reports filled with redundant and irrelevant information, findings can be filed into a ticketing system, assigned via an issue tracker, presented in online dashboards, or any combination of these methods.
We conduct compliance based and security driven tests on:
- Internal and External Networks
- Web Applications
- Mobile Apps
- Cloud Environments
Testing satisfies PCI-DSS requirement 11.3 and may be used for SOC 2 compliance.